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Anthony Sonnenberg Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Anthony Sonnenberg

To whom it may concern:

With great concern, I have learned about the restrictions that are being considered by regulators on investors' rights to invest in certain public investments like leveraged and inverse products.

I have used leveraged products for almost 10 years to enhance my investment returns and use inverse products to protect my investments during downturns. I have outperformed the market by a large margin and using my strategies and am more than capable of understanding how these products work, how they can help me, and what their risks are. Nothing complex about it. Yes, they may be higher risk, but they actually help me to MITIGATE risk. Ironic? Not really, this is what many investors like me do. We shouldn't have to go through special testing just so I can buy these public investments and minimize my risk.

Moreover, I should not be denied access to these public investments. Aren't they public for a reason? Where would this end, if we start restricting investments like these? And if regulators are choosing for the public what public funds we can and cannot buy.

I highly encourage regulators involved to reconsider these restrictions that would harm myself and investors like me. Investing involves risk no matter what and it is up to the investor to educate themselves and accept a risk level they are comfortable with.