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Annette Hunt Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Annette Hunt

Regulating what I choose to invest in is not the choice of the government or it's regulators. I completely understand the risk of the investments I choose to invest in for my continued growth and wealth in the markets. Public investments should be available to all of the public not just the privileged few. Going through a special process and testing in order to freely invest into the markets is absolutely taking away my freedoms as a tax paying citizen especially when I know what is best for my family and I am capable of understanding the risk in the market's on my own. When you restrict the rights of citizens to choose for themselves on what they invest in you are giving that power to fund manager's and brokers to make these types of decision's for us and handing the power to them. I absolutely disagree with getting special permission from anyone, especially a broker to invest the way I see fit for creating my own wealth. Having a "cooling off" period is no ones right to take away from me when, where, how, or what stocks or EFT's I wish to invest in at any time! This is absolutely a violation of my civil rights and the unalienable rights given to me under the Declaration of Independence. I do not agree with any such laws you are considering in passing under FINRA.