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Anneliese Hunt Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Anneliese Hunt

So Investments are too complex for us "regular" people? Discrimination much? Investments are only for those with a high net worth? Discrimination much? It's 2022, the time where we all talk about discrimination and how we can fix it. Well with what's been coming out of lawmakers hands in 2022, has been fueling the discrimination fire. I started investing in 2021 when CoinBase was getting super popular to use. I got into normal stock market investments using my Stash app. Now how much money did I make or loss? That's for me to know ;) BUT It was easy to understand. Nothing too complex. These apps even have lessons on how to invest safely in the markets. Also there SOOO much research online that I was set up for success! Even the President said this year to Google COVID for help, so you can't tell me I can't figure out what I need to know off of Google. (: No need to regulate me! Also, I think it's important for individuals to decide what investments are best for their own individual family life's. Everyone is different in this day and age and guess what, That's Okay. I work at a Mortgage Company and I know that brokers all have their own opinions on what's best. I don't trust a broker telling me what's best for my family with some of the crazy I've seen! Brokers only care about your money if it's making them money. So for example lets say that a Broker is "advising" me to invest in Apple and raving about it.... In actuality that Broker is only raving about it because she gets paid more points when you invest in Apple. Many Investors like that have already over leverage themselves by borrowing too much against their assets. -- -See this is not what's needed in our markets. More ways for Banks to screw you over, that's why most people invest in stocks/bonds, FOR SECURITY. As for net worth.... Really? There's already scandals of elites doing bad trading, just saying. Also, as I said before that's discrimination. I have proven the last year that Net Worth doesn't mean [REDACTED] for investing, excuse my French. I have a Net Worth of a flea and still did just fine. What are the market regulars so money hungry that only the Big Bucks can go in? It literally makes ZERO sense to have a REQUIREMENT for Net Worth. God, 2022 has been testing my faith in humanity & the pursuit of happiness. Please don't let anyone else [REDACTED]. I'm a big girl and can do [REDACTED] myself. Once again, please excuse my French God.