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Angelo Salonitis Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Angelo Salonitis

Hello, I am writing to voice my objection to proposed legislation which seeks to restrict our right to invest in inverse and leveraged funds.
These types of investments are a very important part of our investment strategy and help in reducing overall portfolio risk, when used appropriately, like most other investment classes, including options.
They are simple and easy to understand asset categories that do not require any special process to be passed, prior to being able to utilize them. Enough faith in us as investors must be offered and regulators cannot impose such stringent requirements as having to take a test prior to using these very useful forms of asset class. We should be allowed enough free choice to be able to select by ourselves the type of security we can invest in, without being told what these asset classes are. Public investments should be available to all, not just the privileged few.
I hope you see this matter the same way.
Thank you for your time.
Angelo Salonitis