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Angela Monaco Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Angela Monaco

It's no ones business what I spend my money on as long as I'm not hurting myself or others. The government needs less restrictions, needs to quit taxing us period, let alone the triple taxing us the do. The government is hurting the very people they were elected to protect. All while claiming its for our benefit. What a sham! If they really cared about the people they work for, they would take a hugh cut in pay, stop getting a pay check for life and burdening the Americans coffers. While they're at it give back all the money they stole from our SS that us hard working Americans have put into for years through our blood, sweat and tears. Need to reinstate pensions as 401ks are a joke. Need to make open carry laws in every state. Stop stealing our money and giving it to other countries in this quid pro quo game they play with or lives and lively hoods. Stop trying to make us a socialist country. Stop with the plandemic, planned food shortages, planned gas hikes, etc.