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Angel Ferreiro Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Angel Ferreiro

Please STOP attempts to introduce regulation FINRA Regulatory Notice #22-08.

I consider it an insult to us the public, to propose this regulation under the pretense of "protection" like we are children, when in reality this is another subvert attempt to manipulate the market and make it even more exclusive.
I live in reservation territory, and it is hard enough for us to protect our investments and make them work in the current market.. For hundreds of years the US Government has trampled the rights of Native Americans, and this unnecessary proposed regulation looks like just another cheap attempt to steal those rights. To trample on the rights of the individual in a free society, and with a supposed free market.
This regulation is an attack on the free market system. Nobody has gone bankrupt because of simply trading leveraged or inverse equities, but people have indeed gone bankrupt because of Wall Street's insider manipulation practices. We do not need draconian regulations that seem like they are coming from a communist regime. We have sufficient regulation in today's financial system.
Public investments are supposed to be PUBLIC, and your organization does not have a right to change that. Your proposed regulation seems opportunistic and seeking to exploit momentum to favor shady interests.

We oppose your proposed regulation #22-08. and furthermore we consider it an insult, PLEASE STOP.

Angel Ferreiro