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Andrew Slucky Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Andrew Slucky

To Whom It May Concern [FINRA Regulators] -

I am the personal investment manager of my retirement accounts for the benefit of myself and family. Over the last decade, I have consistently outperformed professional fund managers.

As a knowledgeable, experienced, and self-reliant investor, I feel I have the right to manage my own investments in public companies that are appropriate for myself and family. I object to any attempts to restrict my ability to purchase leverage or inverse funds which play a notable role in my investment thesis and strategy. I believe that this is my individual right - and not that of regulators - to determine such election in a free market system.

Accepting self-determination and financial responsibility, I do not feel it is appropriate or mandatory that I undergo passing a test to invest in public securities, like leveraged or inverse funds, particularly given my historical performance is better that the majority of professionally managed funds. In my investment strategy, leverage and inverse funds, appropriately understood and managed, help protect (hedge) my investments. They represent a limited part or proportion of my overall portfolio.

In summary, I object to any proposals to limit my election for investment in any publicly traded security, including leverage or inverse funds. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.


Andrew V. Slucky