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Andrew S. Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Andrew S.

The idea that everyday people need to be "protected" from themselves with further regulation and restrictive safeguards pertaining to "complex investment products" is absolute nonsense and contradicts the very principals of a free and open marketplace. Real problems like naked short selling and big money manipulation goes completely unchecked, yet the magnifying glass is on retail? We need more regulation for the everyday retail investor? All people, regarded as a professional or not, should be able to invest in whichever investment product they deem appropriate for themselves and their risk profile, without any regulatory agency acting as if they know better than us. It's OUR responsibility as the investor to assess and understand the risk's involved pertaining to any investment product, complex or not. If the motive here is truly to help investors better understand these products and make better investment decisions, create more resources and education materials. Restriction is not the answer.