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Andrew Cole Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Andrew Cole

Im strongly against restrictions on my right to invest in public investments. Ive invested an appropriate portion of my portfolio in leveraged and inverse funds to enhance my returns and to hedge, when necessary, for decades and its worked well for me. Ive known the potential risks and rewards from day one from any and all investments I invest in. I enjoy reading prospectus and thats what theyre for. Its ridiculous to ask people whove invested in securities for decades to take tests or demonstrate financial well-being for things theyve successfully utilized for years. Ive never needed and will never need or want regulators or anyone else to choose public investments or anything else for me or my family. Public investments are supposed to be available to everyone, not just certain people. Thats why theyre public investments.

Man creates viruses they cant control and starts wars that kill people that they cant stop. They create unnecessary inflation and debt that they cant pay and have the nerve to want to control and interfere with my and other peoples investments.

Why dont you leave us alone and let us invest the money we earned in peace? People are selling illegal guns and trafficking human beings to make money. Why dont you regulate them instead of harassing us while we are making money legally?

Certain rights werent available to certain people in this country for centuries and now they are. Why do you want to find a way to take them away? Leave things as they are and let people be free? Isnt this supposed to be the land of the free?