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Andrei Nguyen Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Andrei Nguyen

To whom it may concern!

This is very unfair for most individual investors like me who wants to invest on my own at my own convenience and perform it quickly without having to go through financial advisers and wait on the phone forever to talk to financial advisers to get any transactions done. Public investments options should be available to the public, not just the privileged fews. That is downright discriminatory. I should be able to make the right choice for myself and my family, not any government regulators.
Secondly, I have done this investment in leveraged and inverse funds for more than 2 years and acquired much experience in doing this. I deeply understand the pros and cons as well as risks associated with these funds. I dont think I need any special training or have to pass any proposed tests by the government to be able to trade these funds. I dont want any of these new measures imposed on me and other individual investors. Im old and intelligent enough to do this on my own without any need for government interference.
Lastly, leveraged and inverse funds are important parts of my portfolio and they are necessary for people coming from disadvantaged or immigrant backgrounds to catch up to the higher income level. This is not just the game for the rich and privileged and Ivy League crowd, this should be available for everyone who is able to read instructions and market-related articles and can make decisions for their own. I immigrated here from a communist country and the last thing I want is for the government to babysit me and tell me what to do for my best interests. Treat us like competent adults, not kindergarten kids!
All your proposed regulations just make things worse for the majority of the public or average Joes and James out there. Stop protecting the rich and privileged. This is a game available to everyone.