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Andrea Happel Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Andrea Happel

To FINRA Regulators:

The proposed regulations in #22-08 are a threat to investors everywhere. One reason the USA is a great place to live, work, and invest, is financial freedom. Few places in the world offer the upward mobility available here in the USA. One reason for our economic growth is the ability of investors of all financial levels to invest as they see fit.

I am a smaller investor. I make decisions based on my own research and my advisors. The ability to invest in a variety of financial vehicles is an important part of living in the free world.

The proposed regulations are the financial equivalent of limiting hospital access to the wealthy, limiting travel to the wealthy, and limiting access to food to the wealthy.

Respect the financial growth potential for all. Do not restrict smaller volume investors like me who wish to learn and grow. Do not limit financial growth to just the elite or wealthy.

You are considering a serious breach of freedom. Don't pass these regulations.