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Ana Navarro Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08


I believe it would be a mistake to reduce access to these popular and useful short to medium term trading funds. There is more than enough information in the market web sites on how to use a x3 fund. Extreme risk lies only on a " black swan" event and these events pose similar risks to all investors. I believe that I have benefited from my use of x2 & x3 funds on the SP500. It would be a shame to have future young investors that are aggressive and assertive deprived of a chance to have "extra" returns. What investment is risk free? I saw my home depreciate 50% during the financial crisis and finally sold last year at a 50% profit. I bought a condo in fla and it is now double the prchase price...everyone should be able to say I want to assume the risk and reap the reward.