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Alvin Medina Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Alvin Medina

Hey [REDACTED], I know your plan, regulate this so the market prices crash, let institutions but and then sell for sky high prices. This way they can book profits and you [REDACTED] can get taxes by 4/15 next year to pay for all the expenses incurred [REDACTED] in the WH. The American public is much smarter than what they used to be. [REDACTED] first go and implement this [REDACTED] in the WH [REDACTED], then we talk about this to private investors. I hope you get this message straight up [REDACTED]. If you remotely try and implement this regulation, you wait and watch [REDACTED] with the taxes that you think youll be able to get from me. Simply put, I will ensure that this country pays me 10 times the losses i have incurred because of this regulation. I own businesses and it will not take me much time to go cash only or give discounts for cash purchases [REDACTED] Stop messing with my money, finances and investments - enough said