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Allison Tom Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Allison Tom

We as individual investors should have the choice and option to decide which investments are best for us. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. Especially in 2022, diversity and inclusion is extremely important, allowing all people to learn and make decisions that are best for themselves, not regulators.

Leveraged and inverse funds are an important investment strategy. These funds provide enhanced exposure without additional capital by using debt.

My investment portfolio that includes ETF's/leverage funds has performed better than most, offering learning opportunities, growth in my investment strategies, and enhanced returns.

We should not go through a special process or be required to take a test. These measures should not be imposed. These are added barriers for investors. There is also no proof or accountability to show that regulators can differentiate investors knowledge. I oppose these measures.

Any restrictions on leveraged funds should not be put in place.