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Alfred Stites Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Alfred Stites

I an very disappointed to read about the proposed regulations to curb the use of inverse, leveraged and other commonly used investments.
I use inverse funds to de-risk my portfolio as I believe most investors, using these funds do. I don't "bet" in market movement but I do protect myself when I see excessive volatility in the markets.

I am very much against additional tests, reading, and other "proof of understanding" as I have always believed that the industry is more interested in protecting itself than investors. Investors learn quickly what makes and what looses money. Please allow us to continue to learn and grow and not be hindered by excessive regulation as I believe this proposal is - Excessive Regulation.

Every time we purchase an inverse ETF or a Leverage ETF we already receive a notice that these are risky investments. We know this! Please do not allow this new regulation to be passed!