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Alexander Wright Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Alexander Wright

Ah yes, quite a brilliant regulatory notice. Only us ~~~~sophisticated~~~~~~~~ investors are worthy enough to trade such complex financial instruments. The peasantry are wholly incapable of understanding the Bitz-Coins on our academic level. The only issue with this proposal is that it does not go far enough to """""protect"""" retail investors from their own stupidity. Many individual stocks are delisted from exchanges every year. A little dumb dumb working class 'investor' could lose all their money, their house, their wife, their kids, and even their wife's boyfriend, if they invested all of their money ( including money from student loans, credit cards, mortgaging their house, and loan sharks) into a stock that would later be delisted. To prevent this horrible *sob* tragedy *sob*, we MUST prevent the poors from buying individual stonks. Furthermore, the more than 50% loss that Netflix stock has experience in the past month shows that even large, established companies, the ones commonly included in index funds, could cause great harm to the apes. We have no choice but to restrict the degenerates to invest in nothing other than an FDIC insured savings account with 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000069% APY. This, of course, would also restrict the wage slaves from buying their own house, as owning your primary residence would essentially be the same as a one member, one property non-traded REIT.