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Alexander Nelson Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Alexander Nelson

I fully expect FINRA to act against the best interest of the retail investor. FINRA has proven time and again that regulations are designed to protect the corporate, "sophisticated" investor rather than the everyday "retail" investor.
"Treat all investors equally" means there shouldn't be roadblocks put in my way to invest in certain securities when I'm not investing for anyone else. I'm investing my money, and I understand the risks associated with all types of investments I choose to help diversify my portfolio. BITO and other cryptocurrency assets are an important piece of the investment world, and it's absurd to think FINRA will block individual investors from specific asset classes.
Pass regulation that requires even more specific details and promotes transparency within the asset class? Sure, absolutely, go for it.
Block my ability to invest in the asset class by riddling my investment path with minimum net worth requirements, specialized tests, and "cooling off periods" meant to make the rich richer and the retail investor poorer are all absurd proposals intended to screw the average American and continue the egregious transfer of wealth to the upper echelon.