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Alexa Serrato Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Alexa Serrato

I oppose the regulations and restrictions that are being considered on my ability to invest my own money as I choose. I currently choose to invest in leveraged funds as a small percent of my portfolio and I should be able to continue to do so.

I do not want a regulator-imposed test to be required. I understand the transactions that I am making in my own accounts, but I worry that intentionally confusingly worded questions will keep certain people out.

High net worth should not be required to invest. I am an average citizen that started with a small retirement account and I am pleased to see it grow to an amount that I will someday be able to retire on, in part because of my ability to invest in leveraged funds. This should not be reserved only for the already wealthy.

“Cooling off periods” during which I can’t invest my own money are unacceptable. The market is constantly fluctuating and I should be able to make buy and sell orders at times that I find appropriate.

Currently, when I make certain kinds of investments my broker already has an “Agree” button that I click to acknowledge that I understand that there is a heightened risk associated with investing in a leveraged ETP. I am not opposed a simple prompt like this which requires investors to check a box to confirm that they understand the risks.

If FINRA’s mission is to protect investors, then FINRA should not impose unreasonable restrictions on when and if a person can invest in popular public investments.