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Alex Yarmulnik Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Alex Yarmulnik

I am retired and have been managing my own portfolio for many years. Because of the market volatility I use leveraged funds (specifically SPXU, UVXY, and SQQQ) as a hedging strategy for my entire portfolio. I do not understand why the government should regulate what public investments people should be purchasing.

Any investment is risky and even stocks (e.g. TDOC) can lose 50-80% of their value without being a leveraged investment. Investors need to know what they are investing in and this is not the role of the government to make sure they are knowledgeable enough. Any legislation imposed on knowledgeable people because of the possibility of ignorant people harming themselves is ridiculous.

What about sharp knives, and fast cars? Should we regulate them also? We did not elect politicians to regulate but to make it easy for the free market to thrive.