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Alex Haiduk Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Alex Haiduk

In general:
- It's good to have people educated and understanding what they are dealing with.
- It's extremely bad to restrict people's right of making their own decisions.

- Items 2d (required attestation), 2e (access restrictions), 7cii (mandatory quiz), 7d (reevaluations), and other items that are potentially can completely lock people out of certain choices are NOT ACCEPTABLE in any form.
We, the People, do have a right to make our own decisions, effectively VOTING with our wallets, investing as we see fit.
Do not violate that right.

- Items like 2a, 7ciii are on a borderline and need better wording.
It's OK to not have trading of complex products enabled by default on a new accounts, to prevent inexperienced traders from accidentally buying something without understanding.
But customers MUST be able to enable that at any time, when they see fit, without ANY prerequisites or conditions.