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Alden Rodzik Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Alden Rodzik

Hello, I am writing to oppose restrictions on leveraged index funds. I invest in leveraged index funds. I know that leverage entails greater risk. However, I feel that it is important for investors like me to be able to make our own decisions regarding these instruments. Personally, I look at the past performance of the fund and the index before making my decision. I also consider my own risk tolerance. Ive been investing since I was 9 and Im almost 20. So, I have the benefit of experience in the market, education about the market and financial instruments, and a greater risk tolerance. What I particularly like about leveraged funds is that they allow me to maintain my overall strategy while offering a greater risk for a greater potential return. This means that I can manage my money more passively than if I had to seek leverage with my own means, such as individual stocks and margin. At the moment, these funds are well suited to and an important part of my personal financial strategy. Please reconsider prohibiting or limiting investments into leveraged funds.
P.S. If you have any further questions or would like to discuss this with me, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank You