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Alan Roddick Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Alan Roddick

Hello. I firmly oppose this FINRA Regulatory Notice. I am the one who should have agency in my financial decisions and it is not up to regulators to only let a certain subset of the population have access. Considering the fact that wealth is a factor, this is showing preferencial treatment for the wealthy and is completely unacceptable. In addition, I should not need to prove to regulators that I already understand the risks of my investments. I have my own risk tolerance and that should not be dictated to me by a third party. I use leveraged investments as a subset of my overall portfolio because I am an accumulator with a long time horizon. One of the risks accumulators face is that early on you may not have enough money to invest to benefit from a strong economy. By the time accumulators have accumulated more wealth to invest, the market may perform worse. LETFs help me diversify across time with a limited portion of my portfolio.