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Adam Eldin Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Adam Eldin

This proposed rule would deal yet another blow to the free market. Everyday Americans should be able to buy and sell securities as they please. Regulations like day trade restrictions, the banning of the creation of 3X leveraged ETF funds, and now this proposed rule continually erode away free market principles at the expense of the average American. Institutional investors have access to low interest rate margin and unrestricted day trading. If this proposed rule were to come to pass, it would hurt retail investors to the benefit of absolutely nobody other than lenders. Everyday Americans wishing to invest in the American economy and in their own futures will now be priced out of it by being forced to pay for extremely high rate margin from lenders, instead of being able to simply buy into leveraged ETF funds with moderate expense ratios. Instead of adding more rules that restrict the free market for retail investors, consider lifting day trade restrictions and restrictions on creating new 3x leveraged funds. Please reject this proposed rule. I would be happy to discuss these concerns further over email or by call/text at 4437631920. Thank you,