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Adam Beiter Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Adam Beiter

This is not the 1940s Papa, education, and information are very accessible. Connections are made faster and with more abundance than ever before. It is absolutely insane that I even have to write this when I can drive 30 minutes to a casino and gamble every dollar away. The hypocrisy is legendary and once again it's 2022 we can see through all the non-sense. If investments are the way every millionaire/billionaire got to where they are why are you holding the majority of the population back from this? Please explain how more people having more money is bad for a society and economy based on consumerism? I'll wait. If a person is old enough to be taxed, they are old enough to decide what they do with that money. Our young people are allowed to sign their lives away for the military but not invest in an leveraged or inverse fund? Get over yourselves. Maybe if you all spent some of that money on the education system we wouldn't be in some of the situations we're in. With inflation near or around double digits (I don't care about the heavily manipulated number they put out to make the lie fit) for the last few years and the foreseeable future, I don't think Index funds are going to cut it. Even if people don't know exactly what they're buying the first time they make a purchase I bet they figure it out quickly when that thing starts whipping around. And they will be able to because everyone is walking around with a supercomputer in their pocket. Quit trying to be everyone's daddy and save them from perceived pain, let people learn.