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Abhijit Kulkarni Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Abhijit Kulkarni

I am writing to protest the proposed regulation.

As investors in equity markets, I and all other participants should be able to choose the investments suitable for ourselves without being subject to dictates from regulators. Regulators cannot understand an investor's specific perspective; only the investor can know it.

Imposing special processes on an investor, such as passing a test, will ultimately exclude many people from participation in public securities such as leveraged and inverse funds. All investors are capable of understanding such funds by reading a prospectus; regulators should not be judges of an investor's intellect.

Leveraged and inverse funds are essential means to hedge one's investment strategy. Restricting the ability in any manner of an investor to participate in such strategy defeats the aim of diversification.

The role of regulation should be to ensure that malfeasance, such as waste, fraud, or abuse, is not occurring. Regulation should never be created to limit, restrict, or eliminate an individual's freedom to make personal choices.

I urge FINRA to fully consider my opposition to the proposed regulation.