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Tomas Cortez Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19

Tomas Cortez

As a new investor, I am skeptical about the fairness of the stock market to the average person. Their should not be a dark pool or after hours trading , illegal and synthetic shorts are killing the American economy. The true stock investment is tainted and the “SEC” is not not policing there policies. The American people are catching on to illegal orchestrated attacks on company’s by hedgefunds. The world is watching GME and AMC being illegally shorted by synthetic shares. Why not disclose the real stock vs synthetic stocks, because the 1% hold power. The economy is heading to a collapse because of theses hedge funds destroying companies and 401ks and retirements. This is the same as the housing crash of 2008. Tell the SEC to do their [REDACTED] job. This is not the American dream anymore , this a facilitated attack on the American people by Citadale. Let’s make it fair for the little guy, and enrich the American economy for all to prosper.