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Tomas Cortez Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19

Tomas Cortez

Dark pools should be illegal, not fair for the average investor. People are starting to lose faith in a rigged system that only helps the 1% . Synthetic shares should be illegal. Total shares of a company should be verified and synthetics should be removed , the system is rigged for the elites. Shorting should be reported on a daily basis. Crypto should be used as a replacement for a stock , so that the stock can not be manipulated or replicated and shorted. The people should determine the stock value and not some hedgefunds that control the economy. The stock market is rigged , price manipulation Is a ongoing thing and the SEC is turning a blink eye , currently it is hapening to AMC and GameStop. The economy is going to crash if we keep letting hedgefunds control and manipulate stock.