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Randall Holzmann Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19

Randall Holzmann

Please help restore faith and integrity to a damaged, corrupt, and dishonest market where large firms cripple the domestic and foreign investor thru clandestine operations of misinformation. WE NEED TO HAVE VERY SPECIFIC AND HONEST REPORTING OF SHORT POSITIONS. WE NEED BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY TO BRING BACK CLARITY! THIS IS A MUDDLED POND OF FILTH AND DISHONESTY. My Grandfather did not fight in World War II for His grandchildren to be blatantly robbed by wall street con men and Market Markers who torture an already crippled public. PLEASE BRING FORTH STRICT OVERSIGHT AND COMMITTED PROTECTION OF THE RETAIL INVESTORS WHO OFFER THEIR HARD EARNED SAVINGS TO WOLVES AND THIEVES. Please help restore faith in America.