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Anonymous-MD Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19


FINRA 21-19 is a direly needed change. The US market is in dire straights due to FINRA's inability to adequately police short interest. There are still gaps, however. It is ESSENTIAL for the restoration of both the stability of the US markets and the confidence of the investors within it that ANY and ALL regulation changes regarding short interest reporting be effective in EVERY known circumstance where effective short positions, synthetic or not, can go unaccounted for for ANY length of time greater than any other short position reporting deadline. THE COST IS IRRELEVANT, PARTICULARLY IN LIGHT OF THE COST SHOULD NO CHANGES BE MADE. We are at a crossroads and some may argue we have already passed through it down the path of no return. I would strongly advise FINRA to, in addition to the above, make all short position and FTD-related data PUBLICLY AVAILABLE to help us reverse course and head back to the crossroads where we can redirect to the right path.