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Lima Peru Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19

Lima Peru

Hi I grew up in the late 70s 80s and 90s. Graduated college in 2001 after a 2 year break between high school and college. I got a degree in Environmental Science. Its worthless. How are those California wildfires going, oh and more like Hoover Dayum. Am I right? Who needs water in a desert.. seriously. We went to war with 2 of the wrong countries and the economy tanked more than once. Great Recession anyone? It was the best of times it was the worst of times. Now I find out that Amazon is encouraging bankers to illegally short retail businesses so they can just keep the monopoly board going? Amazon is creating the perfect home environent so noone has to deal [REDACTED]. Movies, food, [REDACTED] just get it online. And they bought politicians? And regulators? And newspapers? And Citadel can short a company into the penny stock category? Guess what I did last year.. I was a store manager at Mens Wearhouse. You know the place where you go to pick out a new tie or try on some shirts or get a cheap suit. Guess what happened to it? Its price went under a buck so its off the market. Kinda like Blockbuster and Sears who suddenly are rising up. Its almost like some scuzzy brokers need some cash real quick all of a sudden. Its NOT our fault that Citadel decided to short these companies (amc gme). Don't worry the big beautiful government will bail them out like what happened in 08. Debt ceilings wah wah wah wah wah. I have a degree in environmental science. I can build a fort when the electricity goes out. Hows Evergrande doing? Gotta invest in Chinas infrastructure, not ours. How are all of those shipping containers doing? Amazon needs their Christmas decorations. Their stock is doing GREAT. Where's the cigars and brandy. Its not like Citadel didn't give Biden 500,000 bucks for the inauguration fund. Its like a tip jar. Here's a tip do your job. Didnt Belichick say that? Just do it. Nike. Made in America lol. How's that covid 19 situation working out for the 1%. Seems pretty good if you live in Menlo Park. My uncle works in Menlo Park he's a big wig tech guy and also a boomer. Shocking. Well I'm a pacifist hippy who believes in sustainability. I guess just a huge sucker who thought this was a good country. Its not. The reason? You. Yes you. And my rich uncle.. You went to a good college and had helicopter parents and you played sports and have 3% body fat and a fat bank account. You know what I did this summer? Had a seizure. That was fun. Flopped on the ground for 20 minutes and woke up with a bleeding tongue. Oh I'm also gay and was born on the same exact day as Matthew Shephard. Who was murdered for existing incase you didn't know. So thats my America. What would Jesus do? Join the CIA? Drone innocent kids? Bankrupt hard working Americans so he can funnel his Money to Croatia and the Cayman Islands? Well I guess according to these American Christians he'd probably do both. I was told to keep this letter polite. Trust me I did. Do your job. No bankers went to jail in 2008. Thanks Obama!! I know start with a low level offender like Martha Stewart and shuffle some papers around on your desk. Make it look good. Let the 1% get away with all of it. If I lost all my money on the stock market I wouldn't expect a bail out. The thing is you wouldn't give me one and I have no money anyways. So congrats everything is awesome.