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Kyle Nadeau Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19

Kyle Nadeau

I think everyone would agree the Dark Pool trading reporting, The Citadel Connect routing their own "dark pool" being reported on and things regarding anything dark pool related would be a great place to start, as of now the data isn't close to the whole picture. Leverage, actual leverage, not HF's hedging positions hiding shorts through hedged calls and puts, hiding shorts through ETF's and treasury bonds our any other way they can or have been doing it. People deserve the proper information especially when the opposing side is not only making a lot of the info we receive separate from actual reality, but they use a substantial amount of more info than retail and still struggle. The Dark Pool intention may have been good, debatable, but it's being used to manipulate prices and orders obviously, the opposite of its intentions. Payment for order flow with these market makers and clearing houses is beyond absurd and needs to be addressed through data in any way possible. Thank you for your time, I could and probably should list a lot more here but your plate is beyond full considering how far behind in the game you are