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Jesse Jewkes Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19

Jesse Jewkes

FINRA reporting should fully cover all positions held in publicly traded companies. The reporting period should follow the standard settlement period. All reporting should be made available to the public within 2 hours of market close on a daily basis. All positions, including short positions should be required to be included without exception. Failure to accurately disclose a short position in the allocated reporting period should result in an immediate penalty. All fines for inaccurately reporting short positions as have been common in the past should be equal to the current gain on the investment. It should not be profitable to violate FINRA rules and regulations. Any attempt to willfully withhold information should result in the party being placed on the restricted trading list for a period of 90 days. Any repeat attempt to willfully violate FINRA rules and regulations should result in a permanent ban from market participation.