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Jerry Wills Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19

Jerry Wills

I have been investing for a long time now and have seen many of the tricks the large companies use to turn large profits. One of the worst treatments I have witnessed, was the way the CMKX share holders were treated as their company was naked short sold into oblivion. It was later found out that there were millions of naked short transfers out there and when the cert pull happened there were some companies that went as far as to fabricate fraudulent stock certificates. That happened to a small, relatively unknown company, but I have noticed that certain investment firms have gotten so bold that they are trying it with bigger well know companies. In stead of making the investors sift thru the rubble of a defunct company to find the naked short selling, why not make the hedge funds put all their cards on the table so the game can be played fairly. Make them report their short positions daily and make the fines for not complying much stiffer. This simple act will even the otherwise slanted game.