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Anonymous-DJ Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19


Its time for transparency in the market! Pfof should be a crime its a conflict of interest and not only that other coutries have banned this practice so why is it taking so much effort to discredit the retail investors beliefs! The fake news being spread about amc and many others is quite disturbing! If we never had a ceo who cared about his company we all would be at risk! This is something every american should understand! We need to know what these companies are up to! If the shoe were on the other foot they would be right along with us! How much money will be accepted as bribes before a true hero puts on his or her cape and stands up to this wrecklessness? Wall st was about investing and making dreams come true but today they practice in deinvesting companies! Wall st is against what it stands for today! Its time for a free and transparent market place thank you for accepting my comment