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David Gonzalez Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19

David Gonzalez

There needs to be more regulation on Overall market transparency. Otherwise the system is always going to be rigged. Things such as dark pools, payment for order flow, and short interest reporting latency, all make the perfect bed for abuse in the general market. Not even mentioning algorithmic trading. Also why so can be both a market maker and a hedgefund. I mean come on that’s just ridiculous. You really think a hedge started by the same guy and that same guy creating a market maker system and “legally” done what needs to be done so both are “separate entities “ isn’t conflict of interest!? All these things you have the power to change to act on. Don’t just sit by and watch us the everyday people lose what little hope in the system we have left. Prove that indeed you operate to protect everyone on this Plainfield not just those whose pockets run deep.