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David Everett Boothroyd Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19

David Everett Boothroyd

Good Morning, and thank you for allowing me to comment on the proposed changes to SI reporting. First and foremost in order to make an educated decision in my investments, i believe that SI should be reported DAILY. Also looking through the proposed changes, synthetic shorting reporting...I believe this is also illegal as creating a synthetic short position is akin to counterfeiting . How can an individual investor really know they have bought a "Real" share? This leads to the reporting of FTD's. Fail To Delivers should be illegal and immediately banned. If a member Fails to Deliver, they should be immediately banned and sanctioned. Doing this will bring the market back to the basics of what it was intended to help invest in quality companies at in individual investors discretion. FTD's allow a member to not provide the sold certificate which should be illegal. If I were to sell a vehicle and get paid for it, but do not deliver the vehicle, I would be arrested. To allow this to continue degrades confidence in the US markets. Thank you again for allowing me to comment. to recap: - Short Interest should be reported daily (ALL SHORT POSITIONS) - FTD' should be T+3 Maximum and stiff penalties (ie: Banned from trading, Fines) should be immediately implemented to deter market fraud - Synthetic Shorts (ie: Naked Shorting) I believe is already banned by Reg SHO, therefore allowing this to continue is a disgrace to the current market structure. Thank you again.