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Dalton King Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19

Dalton King

The idea of a "fair" market is completely a figment of peoples imagination at this point. The corruption and "loop holes" that exist to allow the Rich to continue to get rich off the backs of the working average citizen is sickening. The stock market and corruption is rampant amongst banks, hedge funds, market makers, and politicians and government departments. The "connections" are blatant and the clear "turning a blind eye" to it is appalling. The market isn't even worth investing in or listing your company with as it is so easily manipulated by market makers. The short positions need to be reported, investigated and enforced. The synthetic shorts and synthetic shares are one part of what is being permitted to destroy "fair" markets. And there is little to no transparency around this issue at present. Please don't wait to implement your suggestions! The reporting should start immediately, as the market can not wait any longer for some sense of balance to be established. Daily reporting should be required with the data made available within 24hrs to the the public. Expedite these changes!! Thanks!