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Chris Gehman Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19

Chris Gehman

Dark pool shouldn't be used to manipulate the share price. There also should be a limit of how much the hedgefunds can put in there. When dark pool is being used illegally. Not the way it was intende, there should be severe fines and punishments. Imagine of everyday people could manipulate and cheat every day would be chaos. They get to do all these tricks to get out of being accountable. They get to have billions in the darkpool. That's ABSURD the amount of corruption coming from the hedgefunds will get alot of people discouraged from ever doing the stock market. If you never have the retail investors back, sooner or later, they will get out. Crack down on naked shorts. How are they not severely penalized for using shares that don't actually exist! Is there a way to get rid of the dark pool completely? Kind of like dealing with kids. If a kid uses something inappropriately. Do you not take it away ? Somebody has to be on the retail investors side. Blatant cheating and manipulation is being overlooked everyday