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Chris Oreilly Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19

Chris Oreilly

I’m just a small time retail investor and I know my opinion doesn’t matter… I’d just like to see maybe more regulation on the dark pool. You have market makers like citadel and many others not just them that also have hedge funds groups, they take trades and stash them in the dark pool. How could we allow the dark pool to have more volume then the actual market? Where do we draw the line in the sand with this manipulation? I mean I understand why we have it but it’s being used for other things now that much is obvious. It should be manipulated or regulated ferociously to prevent them (hedge funds) from hiding buys orders. Whether or not you believe it to be true and I could be wrong but something is going on there like cmon? How? Also synthetic shares have gotten out of hand. So many synthetics out there it’s more then the amount of shares the stock actually trades! Like what? So they can just have fake shares and sell them on the market to tank the price and do that rapidly back and fourth to make it even more drastic? Last thing is if they are on the threshold for ftd then why or how are they allowed to use borrowed shares to cover? Isn’t that defeating the purpose?? Like how can you owe someone and then borrow from someone else to pay them back? That’d be ridiculous because it could go on forever until they owe so much money the whole market falls apart. Why not nip it in the butt and cut your losses rather then continuing to build on top of them? Also why even create this rule if you’re just going to allow them to do the same thing that got them on the threshold in the first place over And over again? In the end of the day everyone will suffer here. Let’s do the right thing and actually enforce these rules, not allow them to squeak through loopholes. Do we want another 2008? I’m not really smart and I’m still new to a lot of this but I hope my voice is heard along with the rest of the retail investor world. We just want the playing field even. Make it fair for everyone, a hedge fund shouldn’t also have another company taking orders as the market maker. They shouldn’t be allowed to own online trading apps like Robin Hood? How is that a fair market? I feel I’m being taken for a run and I just want the same chance that the billionaire companies have. That’s all I got. Hope you have a nice day! Thanks.)