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Cesarina Olivero Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19

Cesarina Olivero

Good Afternoon FINRA, I'm emailing you regarding the proposed rules 21-19 about short positions. The current US market is completely fraudulent with ZERO incentive to do right or disincentive to avoid fraud, with the regulatory agencies being complicit through their complacency. Decades of unchecked fraud and market manipulation through naked short selling by large hedge funds like Citadel and Susquehanna being allowed to happen with impunity. The SEC and FINRA have known about this illegal counterfeiting practice for many years, with nothing being done to rectify the illegality of the market conditions or fines that are so small they're deemed a cost of doing business. Naked shorting is illegal.- Conditions need to be met by regulatory agencies to ensure it doesn't happen. - Short positions need to be reported daily by funds and market makers, and public notice needs to be reported daily on a public website for that purpose, for all holdings and companies in the market. - Audits need to happen by regulatory agencies to ensure shorts and FTDs are not being hidden in options. - Punishments need to be severe enough to ensure it doesn't continue, and in a timely manner. Perhaps fines should GROW as the number of similar infractions rise. - Large hedge funds and Market Makers are run by the same company. They need to be broken up. - High frequency low volume trades done in dark pools are being used to influence stock pricing. This effectively removes buying pressure from the open market and creates a false ratio to buy/sell pressure on price. This market manipulation cannot be allowed and must be stopped by any means necessary. This practice goes completely against what the market was designed to do in its entirety. I am thankful you are asking for input, it shows that hopefully something may finally be done in the market to combat the practice of naked shorting.