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C R Carlson Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19

C R Carlson

Dear sir or madam: Short interest and short position reporting should be mandatory and totally visible to all, no exceptions. This is a CRITICAL piece of data missing from our view. Knowing the amount of short interest a given ticker has would alter my investment strategy significantly. Why would a small investor such as myself want to put their money against major funds such as Melvin capital who clearly has no issues with taking large, over leveraged high risk positions against traders like me. Why should his position be kept secret? There is no acceptable explanation. It shouldn’t be kept secret. This is an intentional misstep in regulatory application intended only to assist funds like Melvin and Citron, for example. The lack of equitable regulation in our current market setting is allowing these funds to take on illegal short positions using synthetic shares. There are tricks being used in the derivatives market to further hide these illegal trades. It’s not fair. It’s not right. It’s not legal. You have the power to fix this problem. You have more information than I do. The ball is in your court. The world is watching. Best Regards C R Carlson