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Brandon Seifker Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19

Brandon Seifker

As a small retail investor investing for me and my families future I’m glad to hear that sunlight is finally leaking into the shorting faculties of our market. Accurate and honest short interest reporting helps reassure me as an individual investor that larger institutions aren’t abusing gaps in reporting to get an unfair advantage and add instability and volatility to our markets. That being said I implore Finra to increase short interest reporting for any security sold short AS WELL AS maintain that short reporting even when the underlying securities or options are bundled or mutated into different financial instruments. To really get the desired result that this rule change seeks to enact a clear line of a short position and its reporting requirements should always traceable back to originating the short seller despite being bundled into a portfolio or sold as a Swap or any other financial instrument. I applaud Finra for taking steps to ensure the exceptionalism of the US markets and hope that this policy will shine sunlight onto any potential dark practices that are damaging to the American people and the capital of American companies. Thank you.