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Anonymous-GP Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19


There needs to be much more clarity, no self reporting, frequent third party analysis, bigger punishmemts for rule breakers. If a HF/MM can earn more than they are fined then its a business cost, they need to be fined double the profit plus face criminal proceedings. As a UK investor, i have everything in the US markets, after the manipulation of Gamestop i have no faith what so ever, even China banned Citadel. Short HF must be forced to cover their short positions, not have FTD’s and married puts to hide short positions. We need more transparency in the OTC trades, 50%+ of trades on Gamestop are via darkpools, how is this a fair market whem buy orders are processed off exchange but sell orders are put through the exchange to keep the price of the stock down. Please restore the worlds faith in the US markets, as it stands i will be pulling all my funds from the US markets once the GME saga has ended, and im not the only one. The whole world is watching