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Anonymous-MA Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19


I am just simply fed up with this incredible UNFAIR "FREE" market. As a retail investor for the better part of the year I began investing with the tolerance to idly stand by as positions where I have stake have been very clearly manipulated. No longer will I be a silent bystander because after the last few weeks I have seen it is very apparent to me that these problems run deeper. I have watched almost otherworldly abuse of dark pool trading, in which retail investors have no ability to utilize, endless short selling of stock positions hedge funds no longer should be able to, the creation of synthetic NAKED shorts so short sellers can keep knocking stock prices down, and finally, the lack of enforcement of rules that would help retail investors who make up a large portion of the least for now. Unless something is done I sincerely hope you realize that nobody will want to help "fund" your market. The shady tactics being used to psychologically abuse the masses is unethical and downright satanic. I saw something the other day that made me sick...fake accounts of internet users using names of victims from the Las Vegas mass shooting to dissuade retail investors from buying and promoting the selling of a stock. This has gone on long enough and aside from traumatic events in which I have personally experienced, I have never seen acts of sheer humanity like this than I have with this market. Do something or put someone in a position of power who will.