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Anonymous-NY Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19


There is a crime spree running free in the stock market and nobody is doing a thing about it. Naked shorting is illegal, and should punished harshly and published for the world to see. If I sell you something I don’t own, that is called fraud, and I would end up in jail. It should be just as illegal to sell shares that don;t exist. The perpetrators of this should get a minimum 5 year prison sentence and all their assets liquidated and distributed to all individuals who lost money due to their shady dealings. Short positions need to be reported daily by funds and market makers, and public notice needs to be reported daily on a public website for that purpose, for all holdings and companies in the market. Audits need to happen by regulatory agencies to ensure shorts and FTDs are not being hidden in options. Large hedgefunds and Market Makers are run by the same company. They need to be broken up. High frequency low volume trades done in dark pools are being used to influence stock pricing is flat out cheating. Somebody needs to check over at the SEC and see if anyone there actually cares about the fact that illegal activities are going on.