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Anonymous-MK Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19


2008 Ape so strap in. There isn't enough space to cover everything so let me summarize: For every crime someone, say, making more or less than $200k in the market, be it collusion, insider trading, fraud, or what have you, committed and was jailed for, is evenly handed UP to those making more than $1mil to $2 BILLION more or less in the market. (That can be made easier by) *ban and make illegal backroom deals (dark pools, Caribbean spa meetings, etc), *any entity with dealings in trading in the markets is forbidden to own or affiliate with any media outlets other than to trade during business hours, *lending shares without written permission from owners, brokers keep records, hedge funds report lending data T-1, *using shares not received FIRST for any purpose, *all information, market makers and hedge funds have available for trade T-1 is provided to retail T-1, *Hedgefunds, working together, say, one buying the stock, lending shares to another, uses put options while the other shorts the stock then recycles, *shorting a stock, with more than 5% drop twice a week for no apparent negative reasons or news (allowing 9.999% a day or 10% then not allowing but still allowing shorting just doesn't make sense) *and once that rule is enforced then ... excessively large group buying, say, 80% of outstanding shares in 1 company (which is ALSO what AMC and saving some 38k jobs during Covid is all about) without expressed request from Owners/Executives of said company These be enforced or made illegal with fines and criminal actions. AMC dropped 12% in minutes the other day and was shorted several times the rest of the day. Retail is done with 2008, despite it probably coming again soon to the world theater near you. Enough with the uneven PUBLIC MARKET made private for the "rich off our backs" elite. Who are they to decide AMC goes bankrupt and 38k join unemployment, at our expense tax dollars, while they sit on yachts never paying off the debt they incurred. Why can't "John" possibly raise a few hundred in stocks to buy a wheelchair for his kid? Because he picks a company that should be ok but a hedge fund decides to short it to bankruptcy and he loses his money? THAT WASNT A RISK HE TOOK, THAT WAS MANIPULATION BY AN ENTITY FOR THEIR OWN PROFIT AND HE HAD NO CHANCE. Probably didn't even know what was happenning until it was too late. Am I getting the picture across? It's simple to us. Of course, we are labeled the "dumb money". We only saved, so far, a 100 year old company and jobs, off taxpayer backs and want fair play in a free market. We also now have major news and you asking for interviews and comments. Changes are coming but slow. We must be doing something that SEEMS to need attention if so many free and "equal" citizens of the USA and abroad are acting against it. Just my opinion. Due your own due diligence. I am not a financial advisor. APES