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Abigayil Brown Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19

Abigayil Brown

FINRA 21-19 is something this country has needed for a long time -- financial institutions, hedge funds and the like need to be better regulated. I didn't know a lot about the market before this year, but what I have learned is that there are too many loopholes, and a lack of enforcement of existing regulations, that allows big players to make money at everyone else's expense. Synthetic shorts are essentially a way for institutions to print their own money, and forcing these same institutions to show their hand I think will greatly decrease that behavior. Some of these companies have even been banned from trading in other countries (such as China) due to this predatory behavior. Our financial system should not be treated as a money farm for those who manage it. The US prides itself on having a free and fair (emphasis on fair) market; if we don't hold these institutions accountable, then we are turning our backs on everything this country is supposed to stand for.