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Anonymous Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-17


The political actions already by many of your member firms have had the opposite effect of diversity in the industry in which I am employed and licensed. I am a veteran but our company has chosen to close early on a non market holiday tomorrow June 18th, 2021. We don't close or close early for veterans day which is also to honor ALL of those who have served to preserve liberty, including the black soldiers who gave their lives to defend emancipation day. The CRT training being presented at many firms certainly alienates many clients who have their religious and political reservations on the matter. So are we supposed to correct our "White" clients? I thought we are supposed to ask questions about KYC so to make better recommendations that are suitable and take them at their word. Clients also include those who work in the industry, so take us at our word: follow the policy of not discriminating and you keep your job. Plain and simple. I feel after my recent indoctrination that it is a fulm attack on my religious and civil beliefs. Diversity aka Liberty is the right to respectfully disagree. If you encourage the opposite then you will have many clients who are future victims. This sword you are suggesting to yield has great power. Yield it wisely and honorably to protect clients not harm them. Res Ipsa Loquitor