FINRA Provides a Process for Waiving CMA Fees for Less Significant CMA Changes and Refunding of NMA and CMA Fees for Applications Withdrawn Within 30 Days After Filing
Continuing Membership Application Fee Waiver Process
Regulatory Notice | |
Notice Type Rule Amendment |
Suggested Routing Compliance Corporate Finance Legal Operations Senior Management |
Key Topics Continuing Membership Application Fee Continuing Membership Application Fee Waiver Form CMA Form NMA New Membership Application Fee |
Referenced Rules & Notices NASD Rule 1011 NASD Rule 1012 NASD Rule 1013 NASD Rule 1017 Section 4(i) of Schedule A to the FINRA By-Laws Regulatory Notice 12-33 |
Executive Summary
Effective immediately, FINRA will waive the requisite continuing membership application (CMA) fee where FINRA determines that a CMA is proposing less significant changes that do not require substantial staff review. Examples of changes that may qualify for a CMA fee waiver are described below. Also effective immediately, FINRA will refund the application fee (less a $500 processing fee) if an applicant withdraws a new membership application (NMA) or CMA within 30 days after filing the application with FINRA.1 The text of the rule amendments effecting these changes is set forth in Attachment A.
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Background & Discussion
I. CMA Fee Waiver
CMA applications are subject to an application fee under Section 4(i) of Schedule A to the FINRA By-Laws. Effective immediately, amendments to Section 4(i) of Schedule A provide that FINRA will waive the CMA fee where FINRA determines that the CMA is proposing less significant changes that do not require substantial staff review. Section 4(i) of Schedule A provides examples of changes in ownership, control or business operations that may qualify a CMA for a fee waiver. Specifically, a CMA may qualify for a fee waiver pursuant to Section 4(i) of Schedule A where the proposed change:
An applicant seeking a waiver of the CMA fee should submit its request to FINRA in writing as part of the supporting documentation in Standard 1 (Overview of the Applicants) submitted with the applicant's Form CMA.3 Form CMA's Standard 1 instructs the applicant to attach enumerated types of supporting documents. A waiver request should be attached in response to the request for "[a]ny other documentation that would be pertinent to FINRA's review of this Standard."4
II. NMA and CMA Fee Refund
Also effective immediately, amendments to NASD Rules 1013 (New Member Application and Interview)5 and 1017 provide that if an applicant withdraws an NMA or CMA within 30 days after filing the application, FINRA shall refund the application fee, less $500, which FINRA will retain as a processing fee. If the applicant determines to again seek membership or apply for approval of a change in ownership, control or business operations, the applicant must submit a new NMA or CMA (under NASD Rule 1013 or NASD Rule 1017, as applicable) and requisite application fee pursuant to Schedule A to the FINRA By-Laws.
1 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 68942 (February 15, 2013), 78 FR 12405 (February 22, 2013) (Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of File No. SR-FINRA-2013-013).
2 FINRA expects that the listed changes typically will not be significant and will not require substantial staff review; however, whether FINRA grants a fee waiver for these changes will depend on the individual facts and circumstances of each CMA.
3 NASD Rule 1017 requires an applicant for continuing membership to submit a standardized online Form CMA as part of its application. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 67082 (May 31, 2012), 77 FR 33539 (June 6, 2012) (SR-FINRA-2012-018) (Order Granting Approval of SR-FINRA-2012-018 as Modified by Amendment No. 1, to Amend NASD Rules 1012 and 1017 to Adopt Form CMA); see also Regulatory Notice 12-33 (FINRA Amends Electronic Form NMA and Adopts New Electronic Form CMA Filing Requirements).
4 Currently, FINRA invoices a CMA applicant after the applicant files the Form CMA and FINRA reviews the application to determine whether it is substantially complete. See NASD Rule 1017(d) (requiring a CMA to be rejected and deemed not filed if FINRA determines within 30 days after the filing of the CMA that the application is not substantially complete). During that time, FINRA also will review CMAs that include a fee waiver request to determine whether the CMA qualifies for the fee waiver pursuant to Section 4(i) to Schedule A.
5 NASD Rule 1013 requires an applicant for FINRA membership to submit a standardized online Form NMA. FINRA recently revised the standardized online Form NMA to further streamline the new member application process and to organize Form NMA according to the 12 standards for membership enumerated in NASD Rule 1014 (Department Decision). See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 66555 (March 9, 2012), 77 FR 15445 (March 15, 2012) (Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of SR-FINRA-2012-017 to Amend Online Form NMA, the Standardized Membership Application Form Applicants Must File Pursuant to NASD Rule 1013); see also Regulatory Notice 12-33 (FINRA Amends Electronic Form NMA and Adopts New Electronic Form CMA Filing Requirements).
Attachment A
Attachment A shows the text of the rule change. New language is underlined; deletions are in brackets.
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Section 4 — Fees
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1010. Membership Proceedings
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1013. New Member Application and Interview
If an Applicant withdraws an application within 30 days after filing the application, FINRA shall refund the application fee, less $500, which shall be retained by FINRA as a processing fee. If the Applicant determines to again seek membership, the Applicant shall submit a new application under this Rule and fee pursuant to Schedule A to the FINRA By-Laws.
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1017. Application for Approval of Change in Ownership, Control, or Business Operations
If an Applicant withdraws an application within 30 days after filing the application, FINRA shall refund the application fee, less $500, which shall be retained by FINRA as a processing fee. If the Applicant determines to again apply for approval of a change in ownership, control, or business operations, the Applicant shall submit a new application under this Rule and fee pursuant to Schedule A to the FINRA By-Laws.
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