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Notice to Members 06-65

Securities Industry/Regulatory Council on Continuing Education Issues Firm Element Advisory

Published Date:


Continuing Education



Continuing Education
Legal & Compliance
Senior Management
Continuing Education
Firm Element

Executive Summary

The Securities Industry/Regulatory Council on Continuing Education (Council) has issued the annual Firm Element Advisory, a guide for firms to use when developing their continuing education Firm Element training plans. The Council suggests that firms use the Firm Element Advisory as part of the Firm Element Needs Analysis to help identify relevant training topics for all covered persons, including supervisors. Among the subjects you should consider for inclusion in Firm Element training are new rules and regulations, such as supervisory control amendments, business continuity plans and any new products or services the firm plans to offer.

This year the Firm Element Advisory has been redesigned to identify each topic briefly and then provide links to relevant documents issued on the specified subjects. Although the Firm Element Advisory is now designed for use on the Web, the document can be printed. The Firm Element Advisory can now be directly accessed at, or by going to the Council's Web site at Starting in 2007, the Council plans to update the Firm Element Advisory twice a year to provide firms with updated material.

In addition to the Firm Element Advisory material, the Council's Firm Element Organizer is a resource that can assist with developing Firm Element training plans. The Organizer is an easy-to-use software application that enables the search of an extensive database of regulatory resources related to specific investment products or services. The results of a search can then be edited into a document that may assist in developing a Firm Element training plan. The Firm Element Organizer also may be found on the Council's Web site.

Questions/Further Information

Questions concerning this Notice may be directed to Joseph McDonald, Associate Director, Testing and Continuing Education, at (240) 386-5065.